Blue Butterfly

                        The Realization

First the dream and vision.
Then the deliberation and consideration.
Upon making the decision - the commitment.

The dreamer now becomes the doer of action.

And the athlete plays... 
And the doctor heals...
And the entertainer performs...
And the inventor invents...
And the labourer labours...
And the musician plays...
And the painter paints...
And the politician runs for office...
And the scientist discovers...
And the singer sings...
And the spiritual pioneer attains...
And the student becomes the teacher...
And the writer writes...

Each having faith in themselves and in the process.
Each rejoicing in the victories, working through...
the many heartaches, setbacks, and disappointments.
Each aspiring and inspiring, striving to succeed.
Each making it in their own special way, making it... 
a better world for us all to live in.
The vision has now become a realization.

May you dream the good dream.

The world awaits and is in need of you.

Blue Butterfly
Timothy E. Stevenson   May 17, 2001 ©


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