Blue Butterfly

                                Our Life Partner

The undesirable life-mate:
Someone who is uncaring...
  Who is a user, abuser, exploiter, and manipulator.
  Who is dishonest, disrespectful, untrustworthy, and unreliable.
  Who is insincere, self-centered, and masks.
  Who is an enabler, controller, emotionally immature, and an intimidator.
  Who is unthoughtful, inconsiderate, and insensitive.
  Who is close minded, rigid in their thinking, critical, and judgmental.
The "relating" with their self, with others, and to life in general is
toxic and life-defeating

The desirable life-mate:
Someone who is caring...
  Who is concerned about our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
   Who is sincere and mature, encouraging and supportive.
   Who is into health, personal growth, and development.
   Who is honest and trustworthy, reliable and responsible.
   Who shares and is respectful, thoughtful, and considerate.
The "relating" with their life, with others, and to life in general is
nurturing and life-enhancing.

Who we choose to mate and live our life with, is always our choice.
At any given moment, a relationship is either rising, staying, or falling.
And those I found, who embrace both endings and new
beginnings - transcend.


Blue Butterfly
     Timothy E. Stevenson  June 10, 2001 ©


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