About the author : Tim Stevenson

I was born in the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on Sept. 1, 1954. I have three brothers and two sisters and we each are approximately one year apart in age. My father was a boat builder and my mother a nurse, and are now retired. I currently reside in the city of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Due to a vehicle accident at the age of 23, I suffered a spinal cord injury and became a quadriplegic (low - paralyzed from the neck down C6-C7), and thus I'm wheelchair bound.

After spending close to two years in the hospital and as part of a rehab program I enrolled in college and completed two associate degrees, one in Business Administration and another in Marketing. I consider myself very fortunate, because I was able to leave the hospital. Many of my room-mates - were not as fortunate, and are still institutionalized. Thus, I take nothing for granted, and count my blessings.
Blue Butterfly

At the age of 39 I began to write, at first a number of short stories and then poems. I read and study personal growth books, and each month I add a new book to my library. I find writing poems intellectually challenging and receive a lot of personal satisfaction in knowing that other people enjoy and appreciate them. I find it moving when people approach me and say that they've read one of my poems at a funeral or wedding.

I attempt to write poems which inspire, empower, encourage, and enlighten. To keep me centered I often read my own poems. My finest poem is yet to be written.

May we come to know and learn from one another... Tim.

Contact me at... timstarca@hotmail.com or at... tim_e_stevenson@yahoo.com